Saturday, May 7, 2011

Dear Rep. Tauchen,

Rep. Tauchen,

Please include my stand on this new voter registration.  I do not believe that there is enough
evidence of voter fraud in Wisconsin to warrant this very aggressive and limiting voting bill.
Leave the voting requirements as is.  America is built on Democracy.  We spent many years of our country
working to allow all races and all sexes the ability to vote.  This bill will limit who will be voting.
It is punitive and needs to be killed.  I have college age sons who are involved in the communities they live and
and I live in Oshkosh which is a college community. Some of the students here become active in the
community.  This adds to our community, it does not take away from it.  There are those who would
have difficulty or just wouldn't bother getting together the documentation you would require.
They still deserve their voting right just as you do.  What made America and Wisconsin strong is
the acceptance and welcoming of everyone.  Do not pass this bill!

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