Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day, Scott! I OPPOSE senate bill 22 and so much more.

Dear Scott Walker.
 I OPPOSE senate bill 22 and so much more. First of all, let me apologize for not adhering to common letter writing etiquette. Lately, I have not been signing my letters with a closing. Yes, you are either very observant or I am very intuitive and preempting your strike by responding to the fact that I chastised an almost-nine-years old for this exact same thing. Therefore, please acknowledge my closing to this letter. Additionally, it is Mother's Day in the United States. Happy Mother's Day! You may be asking yourself, "Why is Carrie offering me a 'Happy Mother's Day?'" It is not because you have actually given birth to a living being or offered to pay mothers what they are worth; rather, it is because I have heard people refer to as a "Mother F...." many times. These statements seem accurate, to the best of my knowledge, on many levels. I am pretty sure that a "Mother F.." is not the same as a birth mother, though. I do not RECALL (sorry I cannot help it) seeing news stories about anyone who tracked down a "Mother F..." before a birth mother. Nevertheless, I feel this is a time to recognize and acknowledge anyone who has been declared a MOTHER in any way, shape, or form. Happy Mother's Day, Scott! Scott Walker you are one mother...shut your mouth! I OPPOSE senate bill 22 and so much more.

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